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TORONTO TAIKO FESTIVAL 2024 (TTF) is now recruiting a smash ensemble of wonderful volunteers! 


Join us in bringing an incredible Festival of drumming workshops, talks, performances and special guests to the city of Toronto.

VOLUNTEER FOR TTF and be an insider to Festival and a valued member of the TTF team.


We are looking for volunteers to help with marketing, postering and admin (pre-Festival), along with general backstage and front-of-house crew. Volunteers will assist with tasks such as helping us arrange and move Taiko drums in and out of spaces, greeting and providing information to guests and patrons; also helping to staff tables for Registration, Merchandise and Ticket Pick-Up.


REQUIREMENTS: Must be comfortable helping to lift or wheel around drums (don’t worry, they’re big but not heavy and you will have help from other crew and volunteers). Must be reliable and punctual. Must be willing to help us bring a friendly face to the Festival. Customer service experience is a bonus. You will have support and training for all positions.


COMMITMENT: We’re looking for volunteers who can volunteer for a shift for a minimum of two of the three Festival dates (from August 16 to 18). Pre-Festival shifts may also be available. Most shifts are approximately 4 to 5 hours long in the am or pm. A separate Volunteer Training Session may be required for some positions.


WHAT YOU GET: We’ll give you a super-amazing TTF t-shirt to wear and keep; opportunity to sit-in on interesting drumming workshops, film screening and a ticket to Bang On! The TTF Taiko Concert; lots of high-fives and kudos for your help; a great time and a great experience


To inquire about volunteering, please send us an email!


Volunteers are the heartbeat of the TTF. We thank all prospective volunteers for their interest!


This is our fourth year organizing the Toronto Taiko Festival, the first one having been in 2012. We are a small grassroots organization, and would love for the spirit of the festival to continue to grow!


Every donation, whether small or large, will mean a great deal to us. Your contribution would be going towards…well, what wouldn’t it be going towards! Honorariums for the workshop teachers, theatre rental, stage crew fees, drum rentals, posters, performer honorariums, van rental to transport drums, food to feed the teachers, and other publicity needs. We are cutting costs where we can (asking for people to open up their homes for billeting, asking for service donations, lots of volunteers!), but we still need to pay the bills.


You can donate to the Toronto Taiko Festival via RAW Taiko's Canada Helps Charity page.


Exchanging Skills, Finding New Pathways and Building Community – our sponsors help us make it all happen!


Supporting TTF and RAW through sponsorship is a lucrative way to appeal to a diverse, active and knowledge-seeking clientele, particularly those with a love of Asian arts and culture and people who look for self- and community-building activities and enterprises.


Our audiences are made up of households and individuals who actively seek out brands and services that are seen as culturally-enriching and actively investing in and championing women and women artists, along with being LGBTQ-positive and accessible to youth. Our audiences are also the musicians, artists and arts workers themselves!


We are proud to be “grassroots” in almost every way and believe in utilizing music and art to affect positive change in ourselves and our communities through performance, drumming, workshops and other meaningful activities.


Our audiences are deeply integrated into these experiences and respond with great recognition to our generous sponsors and supporters. We are immensely grateful to our sponsors in aiding our work and believe in building partnerships to mutually benefit our sponsors, the organization and our communities.


We offer flexible sponsorship levels and advertising rates with great benefits and opportunities for sponsor visibility and recognition. For more information on Sponsorship for your organization, please contact Mila at:




RAW Taiko is a registered, charitable, not-for-profit and can provide tax-deductible receipt for contributions.

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